September 23, 2010

Pac 12 Cooler Proposed Divisions

A Site called "" has come up with the best division alignment I have heard yet.  I won't outline all the arguments being tossed around for divisional alignments, but 3 things seem to be important to schools:

1) That they have access to the LA schools for recruiting purposes
2) That they play their natural rival every year
3) That they maintain their near-natural rivalries (i.e. Washington v. Oregon, etc.)

This alignment would define divisions by left and right according to the figure above.  You would play each team on your half of the graphic  (your division), and also play each team on your row on the opposite side of the graphic (division).  You would then play two of the remaining four teams, then alternate each year with the two remaining teams.  This alignment satisfies all three of the criteria above.

I think there is a good shot this is what the PAC alignment looks like.

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